Monday 2 April 2012

Known Food Allergies

Almost 40 percent of the human population will suffer from allergies at some point in their lives. Itchy eyes, stuffy nose, coughing and sneezing are among the most common allergy symptoms and they can make any individual feel tired and weak. Many people often wonder if they can avoid allergies by doing things differently in their day-to-day routines. The answer is yes. However, before you change your schedule to avoid allergies you may want to find out the cause of your allergy.  It is a good idea to determine if it is worth the hassle. The following is a list of things which may trigger the allergies in your system to act up:

Pollen, Dust Mites and Mold 

These substances are well-known for causing allergies. Different factors determine the levels of these substances on a regular basis. If pollen levels are high, you will be more likely to suffer from allergies. The best way to avoid these substances is to stay indoors and to dust and clean often. If you go outside, make sure you shower or bathe as soon as you return home. This will wash off any unwanted substances like pollen or dust which may be on your clothing or your body.

Known Foods That Cause Allergy

Technically any food can cause an allergic reaction, but in reality there really only are a handfull of foods that are responsible for most food allergies. Here's a list of the 8 most common foods that cause food allergy.

Also another food intolerance to keep in mind is Gluten intolerance or gluten allergy or celiac desease. 1 in 133 people in the U.S suffer from gluten intolerance and the effects of it. If you think you may suffer from a gluten intolerance you can check your symptoms here

The most common child or adolescent food allergy usually include milk, peanuts, eggs, soy and wheat.
For more on food allergy and gluten intolerance head to The Gluten Free 


Regardless of how much you are exposed to pollen or other allergy-triggering substances, you may suffer from allergies purely due to genetics. If two people are in the exact same conditions at the exact same time, one person may suffer more than the other because it is in their blood. You can thank your parents for that and there is nothing you can do to prevent this from happening.

Low Immune System 

If your immune system is too weak to fight off the allergies, you will end up suffering for a good part of the year. Your immune system may be weak for a couple of reasons. First, if you do not get enough vitamins and minerals your immune system will lose its strength and will become ineffective in fighting allergies and other forms of viruses or infections. Also, your immune system may be low due to mental stress. Mental stress can make you physically weak and cause your body to shut-down. When this happens, your immune system shuts down as well. To strengthen your immune system make sure you get lots of vitamins, eat a healthy diet and avoid stress as much as possible.

Many studies have been done and there is no “one thing” which has been proven to cause allergies. Allergies can be caused by one of the reasons listed above or possibly a combination of many different reasons. Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercising, sleeping and eating healthy will all play an important role in avoiding allergy symptoms.

For more information on Food Allergy, Gluten intolerance and gluten free products the The Gluten Free  is your one stop on he web.

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